How to install Postman – a tool for management and calling API
Why you need to install Postman tool?
Having good tools with today’s programming world is very important to be successfull. Lot’s of systems work using different APIs. This trend is unlikely to stop.
The growing complexity of everything around forces developers to share functionality and close them inside the API. And here comes the great tool called Postman, which allows you to effectively test various APIs.
In this tutorial I will show you how to install postman in several simple steps. In the next tutorial about postman you can see how to use it with external rest api.
Start installing Postman
Let’s start from typing ‘Postman’ in search:

When you go to the official Postman website you should navigate to the download button. The website is so clearly designed that you shouldn’t have any problems with finding the correct place.

Next step is to select the correct native platform you you will install Postman. For me it is Windows 10 operating system. You can choose one that is more suitable for you.

When you click the platform then withing the next page your web browser will run the downloading process of setup Postman file.
Run downloaded file. In your screen should be started small installation window. The Postman installation process is probably the fastest one in the world because it consists from only one step:

Everything should go without major problems. When you run Postman for your first time you will see the Welcome popup with some possible options.
For the moment don’t think about them. Close the popup and look how usefull is the Postman’s user interface.